Caregiver Testimonials
What readers of The Caregiver’s Guide to Self-Care are saying…
…a wonderful little gem of a book!!! Your insights, work lists, and resources are excellent and really right on target for the direction so badly needed by all of us. May it sell a hundred thousand copies!
We never know what cards life will deal us, and can’t change the hand we’re dealt. But we do have a choice in how we play our hand. By using the self-care tools in this book, I was able to avoid drowning in the quagmire of caregiving. The stories spoke to me and helped me realize I was not alone, and that made such a powerful, positive difference in my life! Thank you.
Thank you for your wonderful book. Although I have little time to read and less, it seems, to think, I have gotten some insights and have begun to do a few things differently.
I read a bit and then chew on it, so I can really think about what you have said. So far you are spot-on and this type of assistance and support for caregivers has been too long in coming. Caregivers are definitely among the forgotten.
What workshop participants are thinking…
I like how the self-care information is broken down into the 7C’s and found myself looking forward to the next module.
Absolutely marvelous! I got so much more from this workshop than I expected.
Good to be reminded that I can be a better caregiver if I am not burned-out myself.
Well done with audience participation. Caregiving is a difficult responsibility for experienced professional caregivers, let alone for someone who is just learning by experiencing it all for the first time.
Deep insights and great stuff!! We don’t hear the self-care message enough.
This is an extremely hard topic that hits home. Thanks for the tips!
I am going to suggest some of the C4 ideas to my sister-in-law who is a new caregiver to her husband.
By far, this was the most helpful and useful workshop I attended.
Encouraging self-reflection was most helpful, as I don’t normally take enough time to do that. I felt the entire presentation was helpful in that it reminds us to focus on making sure that we are taking care of ourselves and pointing out specific ways to do so.