Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL)


Professional quality of life is the internal sense “helpers” feel about their work. “Helpers” include a wide array of people whose work is helping others or responding to crises at individual, community, national, or even international levels. These professional “helpers” may be health care professionals, social service workers, teachers, attorneys, police officers, firefighters, clergy, transportation staff, and first responders or disaster workers.

“Helpers” may have a positive sense about their work, called compassion satisfaction. A negative reaction to helping those experiencing trauma and suffering is called compassion fatigue. Understanding the positive and negative aspects of helping others can strengthen the ability to live and work in a balanced way.

The Pro-QOL Instrument has been in use since 1995. The tool has been revised several times and the current version I ProQOL 5. It was developed over many years by Beth Hudnall Stamm and her colleagues, and is available free of charge, in twenty languages. Download this PDF to complete the ProQOL and learn how to interpret your scores. (I’ll give you the PDF, Tom).

To learn more about Professional Quality of Life theory, measurements and related resources, visit ProQOL online at: