C4 Activity #2: Which resilience behaviors do I usually use? Partners on the Path Posted on July 15, 2020 by Partners on the PathJuly 15, 2020 Close, Supportive Relationships: I have three or more close, supportive people in my life (i.e., we trust and know each other well AND we are there for each other in difficult times). Never Sometimes Often Always or almost always None Benefiting More than Just Oneself: I strive to benefit more than just myself without depleting myself or imposing unwelcome efforts. Never Sometimes Often Always or almost always None Meaningful Connection: I have a sense of connection to something vast or greater than myself, and it brings meaning to my life and I bring meaning to it (Examples: nature, art, community, a calling or discipline, spirituality, religion, creativity, a cause.) Never Sometimes Often Always or almost always None Physical Self-Care: I am physically active for 30-60 minutes daily, sleep consistently and adequately, spend at least an hour in outdoor daylight, and eat a balanced and moderate diet mostly of wholesome, minimally processed foods. Never Sometimes Often Always or almost always None Stress Reduction Practice: I participate in at least one practice to quiet my mind and body. (Examples: deep breathing, time in nature, prayer, journaling, sensory grounding, meditation, yoga, tai chi, qigong, progressive muscle relaxation, autogenic training, biofeedback, imagery work.) Never Sometimes Often Always or almost always None Flexible Thinking: When I am going through a difficult time, I consider multiple perspectives on it as well as multiple options for responding to it. Never Sometimes Often Always or almost always None Self-confidence: I trust myself, my intuition, and my abilities. Never Sometimes Often Always or almost always None Openness to Experience: I welcome, seek, and enjoy experiences new to me. Never Sometimes Often Always or almost always None Workability: I approach challenges as though I can work through them somehow. Never Sometimes Often Always or almost always None Awareness: I notice the world around me, and I anticipate opportunities and challenges because of what I notice. Never Sometimes Often Always or almost always None History of Adaptive Coping with Adversity: When I have faced adversities, I have found healthy and adaptive ways to work through them. Never Sometimes Often Always or almost always None Willingness: When challenges arise, I face them and I do not deny them, ignore them, or use alcohol, other drugs, or self-harming behaviors to avoid or cope with them. Never Sometimes Often Always or almost always None Engagement: I engage earnestly in one or more activities that offer a positive challenge, focus my attention, and deeply reward me. (Examples: meaningful work, playing a musical instrument, dance, artistic expression, volunteering, sports, deep learning.) Never Sometimes Often Always or almost always None Big Picture: I keep perspective on my challenges by considering the bigger picture. (Examples: Looking beyond my challenges to consider the effects of strengths, supports, resources, opportunities, and privilege. Considering my challenges in the context of the adversity that others face. Considering the humor in life’s challenges and absurdities. Looking for what I can learn from current and past challenges. Focusing on my character/principles/values.) Never Sometimes Often Always or almost always None Close, Supportive Relationships: I have three or more close, supportive people in my life (i.e., we trust and know each other well AND we are there for each other in difficult times). Never Sometimes Often Always or almost always None Time's up